
Fire Safe San Mateo depends on grant funding to complete fire safety and fuel reduction projects that benefit everyone in San Mateo County.
With funding from the California Fire Safe Council, FEMA, the United States Forest Service, CAL FIRE, or member agencies, and other public and private institutions, our members work year round to complete valuable fuel reduction and public education projects.
Available Grants
Below is a list of current (February 2019) available grants for fuels reduction and other fire related programs. Click the link in the header for more information on specific grant programs. If grant cycle has passed, check the grant link for more information about the upcoming grant cycle. Grants are typically available annually.
Bay Area Priority Conservation Area Grants Program
The State Coastal Conservancy (SCC), in cooperation with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), is pleased to issue a call for proposals focused on the Bay Area’s Priority Conservation Areas.
January 7 Issue Call for Proposals
February Workshops for Potential Applicants
February 25 Letters of Interest Due
March Evaluation Committee Review (MTC/SCC staff)
April 8 Invitations to Apply Sent
July 1 Full Applications Due
CAL FIRE Urban and Community Forestry Grant Programs
CAL FIRE resource page for current Urban and Community Forestry Grant Programs. Your CAL FIRE Regional Urban Forester is available to assist you througout the grant process. Contact information can be found here.
Grants linked on this page include multiple grants from:
California Climate Initiative (CCI)
Proposition 68: State of California Parks and Water Bond 2018 (Prop 68)
CAL FIRE Forest Health Grants - California Climate Investments (CCI)
CAL FIRE's Forest Health Grant Program awards Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds allocated by the legislature for California Climate Investments (CCI) to implement projects that seek to:
- Proactively restore forest health to reduce greenhouse gases.
- Protect upper watersheds where the state's water supply originates.
- Promote the long-term storage of carbon in forest trees and soils.
- Minimize the loss of forest carbon from large, intense wildfires.
- Further the goals of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Assembly Bill 32, Health and Safety Code Section 38500 et seq.) (AB 32).
California Fire Safe Council (CFSC) 2018 Grant Program
California Fire Safe Council (CFSC) is pleased to announce 45 projects have been selected for funding for the 2018 Grants Clearinghouse Fire Prevention Program. The Current 2018 grant round is closed for 2018. Check in to CFSC's website for more updated on the 2019 Grant Program.
2018 Grant Cycle Timeline
August 1, 2018 Grant Application Re-Opens
August 30, 2018 Grant Application Closes
November 2018 Grant Awards Announced
Jan-Feb 2019 Grant Agreements Sent out
December 2020 Grant Projects Completion
Other Available Grants
· US Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Cooperative Watershed Management Program (due November 13) funds the development of watershed groups, watershed restoration planning, and watershed management project design.
· California Fire Foundation Fire Prevention Funding Program (due November 15) provides modest grants to fire departments and communities for equipment, brush clearing, and planning.
· Institute for Museum and Library Services Museums for America and the Inspire, Grants for Small Museum Program (due November 15) - both programs strengthen the ability of museums to serve the public through projects promoting lifelong learning, collections stewardship, and museums as community anchors.
· California Department of Fish and Wildlife Proposition 1 Restoration Grants (due November 20) fund large-scale wildfire recovery response and prevention, as well as projects that manage headwaters, restore forest health, restore stream and meadow ecosystems, and protect fish habitat.
· California Department of Fish and Wildlife Proposition 68 Rivers and Streams Grants (due November 20) restore rivers and streams in support of fisheries and wildlife and protect upper watershed forests and meadows.
· CAL FIRE Urban and Community Forests Grantss (due November 27) advance the development of sustainable urban and community forests in California.
· NRCS Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Grants (due November 27) support efforts by state and tribal governments to make privately held farm, ranch, and forest land accessible by the public for wildlife-dependent recreation.
· Youth Outside Grants (letters of intent due November 29) provide support to engage under-represented youth in outdoor experiences through programming that is culturally relevant to the youth and their communities.
· EPA Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup Grants (due December 3) support the revitalization of industrial sites through assessment and cleanup funding.
· USFS Citizen Science Competitive Program Grants (due December 3) support innovative projects that address science and resource management information needs while connecting people to the land and one another.
· CAL FIRE Fire Prevention Grants (due December 4) provide funding for local projects and activities that address the risk of wildfire and reduce wildfire potential to communities.
· National Interagency Fire Center Joint Fire Sciences Program Grants (due December 5) fund scientific studies that reduce the occurrence and impacts of catastrophic wildfire through active management by contributing to the underlying scientific understanding and decision-support tools.
· CAL FIRE Forest Health Grants (due December 6) fund landscape-scale management projects intended to restore and maintain healthy forests and conserve working forests.
· USDA Farm to School Grants (due December 13) provide planning and implementation funding to support efforts that improve access to local foods in schools.
· State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) 319(h) Nonpoint Source Reduction Grants (due December 17) fund projects that reduce nonpoint source water pollution, including forest-management measures.